Planting Detail

Planting Number: 10655
Planted By (from Person number): NCBG staff
Accession (from Accession ID): 2000-0336
Previous Accession Number:
Location Planted (from Location Number): TC-N4
Planted Species (from ID Plant): Adiantum pedatum
Cultivar Name (from Cult ID):
Installation Date: 1999-05-15
Location Change Type: P
Number of Plants: mass
Condition of the Plants: A
Why the Accession Died:
Plants Notes: bg-base qualifier C; originally 6 plts in planting; AJ: Plts now form indistinguishable mass. 6 plants were moved and replanted in HG-evergreen on 01-15-21 by Ainsley Briggs as part of digging a trench for stormwater control.
Publish: 1
Last Update: 2021-01-25

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