NCBG Timeline


Funded by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services, a survey has begun of the Garden's 700 acres of managed land to inventory, map and document archaeological and botanical features of prehistoric and historic sites that date back to the earliest settlement of the Morgan Creek valley in the 1790s. The survey will continue in the next year which, when completed, will provide documentation of living and cultural treasures in the Garden's care, offering new information about plants that help reveal the past. (Where is the report?)

The UNC-Chapel Hill Task Force on Landscape Heritage and Plant Diversity is established to create guidelines for protecting historic and heritage trees or individual trees, groups of trees and other landscape features that have been designated as historically or botanically significant, and will identify areas to protect and will recommend how to create historic landscapes of the future. The Garden is represented by Peter White, Ken Moore and Johnny Randall.

The Coker Arboretum Centennial is celebrated with three days of lectures, music, programs and festivities.

Essays on William Chambers Coker, Passionate Botanist, written by Dr.Mary Coker Joslin, is published by the Botanical Garden Foundation and the UNC Libraries.

Hurricane Isabel strikes, causing limb fall in the Garden, Nature Trails and Coker Arboretum.

Assistant Director Ken Moore retires.

ID: 61
Modified by: Knauff
Last Update: 2017-01-11
Publish: 1

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