NCBG Timeline


The Garden wins the 1983 Gulf Oil Conservation award of $500 for conservation leadership.

15,000 plants are sold at the Spring Plant Sale.

The NCBG lower loop trail is completed, including the installation of a bridge close to the Laurel Hill Road extension.

Volunteers help design and plant the award-winning Plant Rescue exhibit at the N.C. State Fair.

Background planting of the Medicinal Garden begins. A list of woody species needed is published in the NCBG newsletter with a request to BG members to contribute those that are grown in their gardens.

The Gordon Butler Nature Preserve, a BG Foundation nature preserve near Hope Mills, N.C., is recognized on the North Carolina Registry of Natural Heritage Areas.

ID: 40
Modified by: Knauff
Last Update: 2017-01-11
Publish: 1

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