Planting Detail

Planting Number: 1568
Planted By (from Person number): NCBG staff
Accession (from Accession ID): 1985-0491
Previous Accession Number:
Location Planted (from Location Number): CA-A1
Planted Species (from ID Plant): Benthamidia florida
Cultivar Name (from Cult ID):
Installation Date: 2002-12-15
Location Change Type: P
Number of Plants: 3
Notes about the Number of Plants: number questionable?
Condition of the Plants: G
Why the Accession Died:
The Date the Accession Died: 2002-12-01
Plants Notes: bg-base qualifier B;DS: 1 plt dead - remaining plt splits wall on east edge. 1 plant removed; damaged by ice storm (Dec 2002); originally 3 plts in planting; 2019 update remaining plant in good condition; 2022 update: still here but there are 3 total(?)
Publish: 1
Last Update: 2022-01-21

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