Location Detail

Place (from Place Number): North Carolina Botanical Garden
Garden (from Garden Number): Mercer Reeves Hubbard Herb Garden
Location Grid: All
Location Number: 5
Location Code: HG-All
Location Level: II
Location Type: THE
Location Focus: HRB
Location Horticulturist (from Person Number): Briggs
Location Notes: In the Mercer Reeves Hubbard Herb Garden, visitors experience approximately 500 species, cultivars, and varieties of plants classified as herbs and learn the historical uses of plants. Nestled within the garden is a re-creation of a wooden cottage known as "The Herb House."
Last Update: 2017-12-20
Publish: 1

Locations Map


species cultivar accession number grid number # of plants condition planting date Action
Marrubium vulgare 2004-0223 5 1 Q 2004-01-01 View

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