Location Detail

Place (from Place Number): North Carolina Botanical Garden
Garden (from Garden Number): Education Center Landscape
Location Grid: Rare Plants
Location Number: 47
Location Code: EC-RARE PLANTS
Decimal Latitude: 35.899057
Decimal Longitude: -79.032432
Location Level: IV
Location Type: THE
Location Focus: RSP
Location Horticulturist (from Person Number): Wait
Location Notes: The plants in this bed are all rare and are accompanied by information about their management challanges and protection status. Many of the species here are impacted by rare plant research carried out by Mike Kunz and the NCBG conservation department
Last Update: 2017-01-22
Publish: 1

Locations Map


species cultivar accession number grid number # of plants condition planting date Action
Spiraea virginiana 1996-0218 47 6 A 2011-02-18 View

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