Location Detail

Place (from Place Number): North Carolina Botanical Garden
Garden (from Garden Number): Childrens Wonder Garden
Location Grid: Pollinators
Location Number: 149
Decimal Latitude: 35.899715
Decimal Longitude: -79.032107
Location Level: III
Location Type: THE
Location Focus: POL
Location Horticulturist (from Person Number): Briggs
Location Notes: The pollinator garden is made up of a network of beds and paths along the northern edge of the Childrens Wonder Garden. The plantings were designed by children.
Last Update: 2017-01-22
Publish: 1

Locations Map


species cultivar accession number grid number # of plants condition planting date Action
Asclepias incarnata 2017-0031 149 12 G 2017-11-06 View

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