Collection Detail

Collection ID: 222
Project Type: HORT
Species (from ID Plant): Amelanchier arborea
Cultivar Name (from Cult ID):
Collector (from pers_num): Liloia
Place (from place_num): North Carolina Botanical Garden

Collection Site

Ecoregion III: 45
Ecoregion IV: 45c
State: North Carolina
County: Orange
Georeference Source: I
Datum: WGS84
Decimal Degrees Latitude: 35.89908
Decimal Degrees Longitude: -79.0332
Elevation: 500
Aspect: SW

Collected Material

Sample Type: VM
Collected Form: EX
Total Collected Quantity: 5
Collected Plant Sex: X

Collection Sensitivity

Collection Sensitivity: NS

Collection Notes

Collection Notes: plants rescued at NCBG during construction, indigenous to the site and held in field nursery until planting
Collection Storage Location: planted
Last Update: 2019-08-28

Collection Images (if Seeds of Success)

Collection Map

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