Accession Detail

ID Plant: ILOP
Species (from ID Plant): Ilex opaca
Cultivar Name (from Cult ID): Little's Ruby Fire
Accession ID: 8889
Accession Number: 2011-0039
Accession Date: 2011-01-31
Lineage Number: 20110039
Collection ID: 1899
Name Received As: Ilex opaca 'Little's Ruby Fire'
Accessioned Form: PT
Accessioned Container: PO
Accessioned Size: gal
Accessioned Quantity: 1
Provenance Type: G
Accession Sensitive: NS
Staff Receiving This Accession (from Person Number): Liloia
Accession Notes: gift from Parker Little; Description from Holly Society Journal: Chance seedling tree selected in the wild by Parker L. Little in Hanover County, Virginia, in 1995. Original tree is broadly columnar, 6.7 m tall and 4.3 m wide after about 40 years. Leaves broadly elliptic, flat to slightly keeled, to 8.5 cm long by 5.0 cm wide. Bases obtuse; margins with 5-6 prominent spines, mostly upturned. Fruits globose, 9 mm long and 8 mm in diameter, Red Group 45B. Registered 3-99 by Parker L. Little of Beaverdam, Virginia, published Holly Society Journal 17(3): 19-20 (1999)
Publish: 1
Last Update: 2020-04-03

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planting number install date person garden location number of plants condition action
999 2011-10-25 Neal Piedmont Habitat NP-Screen 1 A View