Family Code: FABACE Genus Code: GLEDI Genus CN: locust Genus Authority: L. Genus Summary: A genus of 13-16 species, trees (and a shrub), scattered relictually in the Old and New Worlds, related to Gymnocladus. Genus Identification: Identification notes: The hybrid Gleditsia ×texana Sargent (pro sp.) [G. aquatica × triacanthos] occurs occasionally in the area of range overlap of its parents. It is intermediate (but variably so) between its parents. Genus References: Isely (1975)=Z; Robertson & Lee (1976)=Y; Isely (1998)=I; Isely (1990)=SE; Schnabel & Wendel (1998). Last Updated: 2019-11-29 Publish: 1