Family Code: CABOMB Genus Code: CABOM Genus CN: fanwort Genus Authority: Aubl. Genus Summary: A genus of about 5 species, aquatic herbs, tropical and temperate regions of America. Genus Identification: Identification notes: Cabomba is sometimes mistaken for other, superficially somewhat similar aquatics, such as Ceratophyllum (Ceratophyllaceae), Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae), and Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae). Cabomba has the leaves opposite (rather than whorled), dichotomously divided (like Ceratophyllum), but the divisions lacking the marginal denticles of Ceratophyllum, and on a 1-3 cm long petiole (vs. sessile or on a petiole 0-2 mm long). Utricularia has the leaves sometimes dichotomously divided, but the divisions are usually irregular, the leaves are alternate (in most species), and bladder traps are present. Myriophyllum has the leaves pectinately rather than dichotomously divided. Genus References: Williamson & Schneider in Kubitzki, Rohwer, & Bittrich (1993). Last Updated: 2019-11-29 Publish: 1