Plant Genera


Family Code: MARSIL
Genus Code: PILUL
Genus CN: pillwort
Genus Authority: L.
Genus Summary: A genus of 2-6 species, nearly cosmopolitan.
Genus Identification: Identification notes: Pilularia lacks a leaf-blade, the 1-8 cm long petiole is narrowly winged, and looks a bit like an Isoetes or Juncus leaf. In vegetative condition, it may be recognized as a "fern" by the typical coiled ("fiddlehead") development of young leaves. The primary rhizome produces individual "fronds" at nodes, a short rhizome branch at each node also produces "fronds."
Genus References: Nagalingum, Nowak, & Pryer (2008); Dennis & Webb (1981); Kramer in Kramer & Green (1990).
Last Updated: 2019-11-29
Publish: 1

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