NCBG Timeline


A Piedmont habitat garden is developed on what was formerly part of Laurel Hill Road.

The Visiting Naturalist Outreach Program (originally the Visiting Plant Program) begins, to be led seasonally by a trained UNC APPLES intern overseen by Grant Parkins.

Flora of Virginia by Alan W. Weakley, J. Christopher Ludwig, and John F. Townsend with 1400 pen-and-ink plant illustrations, is published by the Foundation of the Flora of Virginia and the Botanical Research Institute. It succeeds Virginia's first flora, "Flora Virginica," written in Latin, published in the Netherlands in 1762.

Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States by Alan S. Weakley is updated and published together with a digitalized version with software for ease in updating and searching. (This entry is complicated and should be written by someone who knows about earlier versions). See the link.

The first annual Carolina Moonlight Gala is hosted by the Botanical Garden Foundation for 250 attendees.

The daily plant sale is moved to a new shade structure outside the Gift Shop and sales are extended into the winter.

The Horticultural Therapy program partners with the UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health to create a community garden, The Farm at Penny Lane, in Chatham County.

The new name of the Certificate Program is Certificate Program in Botanical Art and Illustration with two watercolor tracks, as well as courses in drawing, botany and fundamental art instruction such as composition and color theory. (Please review this. The write up in the August 2012 newsletter was confusing).

The Parker property, donated to the University in 1976, is approved by the UNC Chancellor to be managed by the NCBG and is called the Parker Preserve, opening an official trail leading to Mason Farm.

In the Herb Garden, a ceramic mural sculpture, "Tree of Life," by local artist Sarah Craige is installed. The sculpture was purchased as a donation in 2010 by Eszter Karavazy and others.

Electrical infrastructure improvements are made at Forest Theatre, prior to the Spring reservation season.

The NCBG celebrates the 50th anniversary of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.

The Herbarium receives a National Science Foundation grant to catalog its mycological collection of 17,000 macrofungi.

The New Hope Audubon Society contributes building materials for a bird blind In the Children's Wonder Garden that is designed by volunteer architect David Ringenburg and constructed by Ringenburg and Society volunteers. The blind and a bird garden are Elisha Taylor's final project for her NC Environmental Education Certification.

The Herbarium receives a National Science Foundation grant to catalog its mycological collection of 17,000 macrofungi.

ID: 70
Modified by: Knauff
Last Update: 2017-01-11
Publish: 1

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