Planting Detail

Planting Number: 99
Planted By (from Person number): Liloia
Accession (from Accession ID): 2013-0024
Previous Accession Number:
Location Planted (from Location Number): NP-Diabase
Planted Species (from ID Plant): Blephilia ciliata
Cultivar Name (from Cult ID):
Installation Date: 2013-11-07
Location Change Type: P
Number of Plants: 4
Notes about the Number of Plants: originally 30
Condition of the Plants: VWP
Plants Notes: 15 planted by Chris Liloia on 11-07-2013 in diabase (south end); another 15 planted on 08-23-2017 by CL in diabase (north end); 2021 update: 4 total relocated, 2 from the northern planting (doing ok, better than southern planting) and 2 from the southern planting (doing ok, but too much shade / competition)
Publish: 1
Last Update: 2021-07-09

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