Plant Genera


Family Code: FABACE
Genus Code: MIMOS
Genus CN: sensitive plant
Genus Authority: L.
Genus Summary: A genus of about 500 species, herbs, shrubs, trees, and vines, of tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate areas, especially America. Barneby (1991) and Beard (1963) argue that there are no characters which serve to separate Schrankia from Mimosa.
Genus Identification: Identification notes: Unmistakable in our flora for its bipinnate leaves, with tiny (2-4 mm long) leaflets, responding to touch by closing.
Genus References: Barneby (1991)=Y; Isely (1973)=Z; Isely (1998)=I.
Last Updated: 2019-11-29
Publish: 1

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